The Observatory will be able to take groups of up to 30 students from year 6 upwards initially. We will have resources to support many areas of curriculum including earth space science, Te Reo, Tātai Arorangi, Geography, Digital Technology and Digital Art.
The Observatory will provide bus transport to and from school grounds, resources and its team of Astro-Tour guides to assist in any school visit. These trips will be at no cost to the school. Groups will have access to our three main telescopes as well as Astro-binoculars or small telescopes for the children as well as our digital learning classroom.
Resources for our digital classroom are in development, and will initially include total immersion virtual reality experiences around space travel and the international space station.
We are currently working with schools in the region to shape our offering and are keen to engage with any other teachers interested in helping us shape our education delivery.
Contact us for more information.